Pia Vilaragut Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

What is Feng Shui

  • Do you want to experience Better Health and Well-being?
  • Do you want more Wealth & Prosperity in your business or workplace?
  • Do you want to enhance Romance in your life?
  • Do you want to increase your Motivation & Creativity?
  • Do you want to have more Support from your friends and co-workers?
  • Do you want to improve the Relationships within your family?
The term Feng Shui means “wind and water.”  It is an ancient art of placement that brings balance to your life. Geomancy is divining earth’s energy and the infinite flow of Heaven’s Chi, the vital energy that surrounds us.  The geomancer, the earliest Feng Shui practitioner, employed different tools to find the most auspicious location for the home and work. Grandmaster Professor Lin Yun brought the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist School of Feng Shui to the West.  This school uses the eight trigrams from the I Ching and places it over the floor plan of the space.  This method is known as using the Bagua Map.

What is the Bagua or Pa Kua?

The Bagua uses the energy of the eight directions, the seasons, and the five elements to connect to our path as a human being. It is an energy map. By understanding our energy in relation to Nature we can find Balance, Harmony and Happiness.

This is the area that needs to be enhanced to maintain good relationships with our family including our parents and siblings. We look to our elders and mentors to understand our actions.

Abundance creates the personal freedom to do the things that interests you. It also gives you the ability to be more generous in donating and contributing money to different charities. If this is of interest to your lifestyle, then by all means you should enhance this area of the Bagua. It is symbolic of Wood / Tree Element symbolizing growth.

This is area reflects your reputation in the community and in your career. Adjusting this area will yield recognition in your personal and professional life. It signifies the Fire Element, illuminating that which you feel most passionate about and your personal aspirations.

This area relates to your romantic and platonic relationships. It is most advantageous for your intimate relationships to empower this area with symbolic reminders of Love, especially a pair. The Earth Element is symbolic of the nurturing environment of relationships. 

This is the area to activate if you want to focus and increase your self-expression, artistic and creative attributes. It is symbolic of a clear lake that reflects and widens your potential. The Metal Element is a conductor symbolizing communication, and creative ideas.

This area deals with all of the factors that support you and your business such as: your staff, your benefactors, and your clients. It is also the Travel area. If you enjoy traveling to new and exciting places, you would benefit from this area. It is symbolic of Heaven because we can gain tremendous support and unconditional service from the Heavens.

This area deals with your personal journey in Life, your career and role in the world.  It is symbolic of the Water Element like a fluid river meandering through your life.  It is essential to have this area free of any obstacles.

This area is concerned with personal education on a spiritual and practical level. It is the area where we learn to connect with ourselves. It is symbolic of a mountain, such as when a bear hibernates to gain wisdom for the coming year. It is the Earth Element because it nourishes the Soul. 

Health or Tai Chi is located at the center of the Bagua. This area deals with physical health. Since this area is situated in the center it correlates with the Self and simultaneously affects all the areas of your life . In a business setting, the Tai Chi deals with the financial as well as the physical health of the people.

Auspicious Sites For a site to be auspicious it must have access to a good, strong supply and flow of Chi.
Chi The life force of vital energy of the universe.
Chien Helpful People & Travel Trigram with Metal element, direction northwest and number 6.
Compass School The Feng Shui school that uses compass formulas to diagnose the quality of Feng Shui directions and locations.
Confucius The renowned Chinese philosopher (551-479 BC) and great moral teacher, who spent a lifetime studying the I Ching.
Destructive Cycle Each element controls the next in the cycle: Fire melts Metal Metal chops Wood, Earth contains Water, Water controls Fire
Elements The five elements in Chinese belief – earth, wood, fire, metal, and water – that provide vital clues to the practice of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui Literally, “wind/water”, the Chinese system of balancing.
Five Elements The Chinese believe the interactions of these five elements earth, wood, fire, metal, and water can be combined in different quantities to create all the permutations that are found in the forces of nature.
Form School The Feng Shui school that focuses predominantly on the contours of physical landscapes – their shapes,sizes, and courses.
Hexagram A figure of six lines, of which there are 64 in the I Ching, symbolizing the universal archetypes of human consciousness.
IChing A Chinese classic known in the West as The Book of Changes.
Kan Career Trigram with Water element, direction north and number 1. A book of Divination.
Ken The Mountain Trigram with Earth element, direction northeast and number 8.
Kua One of the eight sides of the Pa Kua. Each individual’s Kua numbers identifies his/her auspicious and inauspicious locations.
Kun The Relationship Trigram , Earth element with direction southwest and number 2.
Li The Fame Trigram, element Fire with direction south and number 9.
Lo Shu The magic square, comprising an arrangement of nine numbers into a three-by-three grid that first appeared about 4,000 years ago on the back of a turtle. The square exerted a powerful and mystical influence on Chinese cultural symbolism.
Luo Pan The Chinese Feng Shui compass that contains all the clues and symbols that indicate good or bad Feng Shui.
Pa Kua The eight-sided symbol used to help interpret good or bad Feng Shui. It corresponds to four cardinal points of the compass and four sub-directions and derives its significance from the eight trigrams of I Ching.
Pa-Kua Lo-Shu theory The theory based on the Pa-Kua and Lo-Shu that every abode can be divided into eight sectors, each representing an auspicious or inauspicious situation.
Poison arrow Any sharp or straight structure from which foul energy or Shar Chi.
Productive Cycle Each element creates the next in the cycle: Fire -> Earth -> Metal -> Water ->Wood ->Fire
Sun The Gentle. Trigram with southwest direction and number 4.
Tao “The Way”, philosophy and the way of life – the eternal principle of heaven and each in harmony.
Tao Te Ching An important Chinese philosophical text traditionally ascribed to Lao Tzu. One of the keys to philosophical Taoism.
Taoism The philosophical system set forth in Tao Te Ching.  Everything is connected in Nature.
Trigram One of eight figures each made up of three lines either broken of complete. It symbolize the trinity of heaven, man, and earth. Each of trigrams has its own multiple sets of minings and named Kan, Ken, Chen, Sun, Li, Kun, Tui, and Chien.
Tui The Joyous. Trigram with west direction and number 7. Element of Metal. Qualities of a reflective Lake
Yang Creative energy, one aspect of the complimentary opposites in Chinese philosophy. It reflects the more active, moving, warmer aspects; see also Yin
Yin Receptive energy one aspect of the complimentary opposites in Chinese philosophy. It reflects more passive, still, reflective aspects.